Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Training for the Virginia Beach Marathon

Ahead of schedule, that is what I like to be, because it's one thing to run because you want to, a whole other to run because you have to.

What usually happens is I run for a couple months because I want to, then something or other happens and I stop running, so I sign up for a marathon to get myself running again. But then I look at that training schedule and always, without fail, I want to do anything but what I'm scheduled to do that day.

And one thing after another happens and marathon day is here and I haven't trained for it.

But this time, oh this time is going to be different, I feel it, I know it. I'm scheduled to run the Virginia Beach marathon in March and for one thing I'm doing it in memory of my mother who died of cancer way too young, way before I ever got to realy know her the way a child should know her mother. That alone lit a fire beneath my but from the day I signed up.

But sometimes I get so emotional and serious that I need to take it easy. Those are the days I keep in mind that they will be serving Yuengling beer at the finish line.

Well I am now five weeks into my marathon training and for the first time in my marathon training history, I am not only on schedule, but ahead of schedule.

This morning I decided to combine my speed training run for the week and my long run because at the end of my tempo run I didn't feel like stopping. So instead of doing 3 miles at a 9:40 pace, I did 11 miles at a 9:40 pace.

The emotional side of me says my mother must be with me. The rational side says I better get the training in while it's good.

One of my secrets, I've come to realize I don't need to be on Daily Mile and every other site out there. I'm not competing with anyone but myself. That is why my last run noted on this blog was posted 2 months ago. It's not the last run I did, it's the last run I posted.

I am not saying anything about what one should or should not do, this is just what is currently working for me. Whatever gets you through the run right?

I wish you happiness and health in the upcoming holidays and year to come! Cheers!

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